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Wimbledon Ladies Day @Royal William Yard
Posted on: 25 Jul 2018

To celebrate the Ladies Doubles and Singles final on Saturday, July 9, Royal William Yard will be holding a ‘Ladies Day’ from 1.30pm around the Big Screen on the lawn which will be showing the finals.
* Lady visitors to the Yard will get a free welcome glass of bubbly * at ID Fashion, on The Green, when they arrive
* The best dressed lady to visit ID Fashion will get a £50 voucher to spend in the shop.
* The best hairdo to appear on the lawn will win a £50 hairdressing voucher from Envy hairdressing.
* Ladies who visit Le Vignoble will also get a free glass of wine, when they buy one.*
The winners will be announced at 5pm – at the end of the finals. Judges decision is final.
So come down and watch the action on our big screen, enjoy some bubbles – and win!
- Until reserved stocks run out – served on a strictly first come, first served basis.